22 November 2014

Critical Condition

November was a bit busy for me, 4 gigs all in a row. Nice. Plenty of video and recordings from them which I am not going to bore you with. Instead, I present the latest demo which I decided to do both an audio and visual for. This song is called Critical Condition and is about the state we will find ourselves in, if we let the government tear apart what was the envy of the world - our wonderful National Health Service.  I am not going to blather on about it, just watch the video, listen to the words and make a stand. Enough is enough.

And if you want a purely audio version of it - here ya go

I will save the gigs for another post as there are a couple of video tracks to post including a new song, which somehow didnt get written about, in all fairness, I have been a bit busy with the new songs and gigs and kinda forgot so they will be on the next blog post soon which will include another cover version and no, I'm not turning into a nostalgia freak or cover song merchant - I just do songs I feel are relevant at the time.